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  1. Well done Tony, you have only touched on the very recent crimes of those in power and the Agencies supposedly protecting our communities and country. Four major crimes of the past have been under wraps for numerous years having investigations falsified or covered over. These crimes being (1) the murder of Prime Minister Harold Holt, (the confessed disposer of the body has been refused a court appearance to air his evidence) (2) the arrest and jailing of the totally innocent Martin Bryant – Port Arthur Massacre, (refused a trial) and when I asked questions of the authorities I received three virus laden emails from the A.F.P. after which my computer was crashed twice. (3) the death of Tori Johnson at the Lindt Cafe in Sydney. Coroner’s finding false otherwise why would the Coroner’s Court, twice supply me with the incorrect court documents requested for which I had to pay in advance? (4) the death of two police officers, three members of the Train Family and their neighbour in Queensland.

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