Active retirement in full swing.

Secret Harbour Sessions reports factual news stories and world events censored or obfuscated by corrupt mainstream media. We regularly post important developments via ongoing news and current affairs coverage to our blog and on Rumble. This effort continues from the now-defunct Cervantes Network News, which closed upon our move to Secret Harbour.
Currently, our YouTube channel remains operational but is shadow-banned along with countless other alternate news outlets exposing institutionalized crime, systemic corruption, and global genocide. YouTube is irrecoverably compromised, so we only use it now for entertainment, such as old video clips of the last band I played in. Unrelenting censorship uses a variety of deceptive technologies to minimize the reach and visibility of our content. Owing to this increasingly seditious censorship, we now have video channels on Brighteon and Odysee. I’m banned for 90 days for the YouTube heresy of reporting the obvious truth.
We are at a pivotal crossroads of history, whereby critical thinking and situation awareness are more important than ever. This spiritual war on humanity has no spectators because we’re all involved and must play an active part. The criminal scam of COVID-19 clearly illustrates how far this battle between good and evil has advanced. At the very outset of this scientific fraud, I denounced it for the obscene attack on humanity it unquestionably is. More specifically, it’s the controlled demolition of society via economic terrorism. Accordingly, I’ve never worn a facemask and never will. I refuse to social distance or sign in with a snooping police-state surveillance app.
All the articles posted on this site are comprehensively researched, dependably cross-checked, and established as accurate information. Such truthful reporting is denied through the criminal maleficence of mockingbird mainstream media and corporate-controlled government. To both of these, I say,“Go ahead! Make my news.”