Puppet Politics
Elected representatives cannot fail to recognize the rigid system of coercion that unfailingly bends any opposing position to party-line-criminality regardless of personal convictions or community views. It callously dismisses the hopes, aspirations and concerns of those who vote them into office.
Instead of providing authentic representation they become paid professional liars held in place to maintain the threadbare illusion that the peoples voice matters to crime gang government. It doesn’t and never has! Public opinion is treated with contempt by these criminals, a disdain now openly flaunted through ignoring national and international law. The public has zero influence upon the political process whereby it makes no difference who gets into office in this fascistic two-party tyranny. These puppets obsequiously follow orders with any semblance of lawful process insultingly reduced to a theater of the absurd.
Every aspect of the political spectrum is unconditionally compromised into corrupt subservience to the omnipresent system of evil wherein it is up to each individual to take a long hard look at the consequence of their actions; or perhaps more frequently what arises as a result of failing to take a stand against obvious tyranny. History presents a shameful litany of the consequences of inaction in the face of criminal oppression.
Increasingly ever more government employees are frightened off speaking out for fear of job loss. History shows what sort of degraded society emerges when people fear government. Authentic freedom of speech is vanquished when all aspects of journalism refuse to report truth. All current affairs and news reporters convey corporate-scripted propagandized disinformation, manipulative deception and calculated lies. The COVID-19 criminal scam clearly demonstrates this appalling circumstance. Media is the virus with an astonishingly gullible public creating a perceived pandemic that doesn’t exist in the real world. No medical emergency ever existed in reality but is used as a cover to treasonously impose Marshall law while demolishing the global economy.
“When people fear the government you have tyranny. When government fears the people you have liberty” – JFK. There’s little doubt surrounding what we currently endure.
Authentic freedom of speech is vanquished when all aspects of journalism fail. Victoria must be considered a failed state as a direct result of corrupt media. All mainstream current-affairs and news reporters convey corporate-scripted propagandized disinformation and calculated lies. The COVID-19 criminal scam clearly demonstrates this appalling circumstance.
If the population summoned the intellectual honesty to face uncomfortable facts this pantomime pandemic and the economic terrorism of lockdowns would abruptly disintegrate. No medical emergency ever existed in reality but is kept alive via 24/7 perception management and needless fear.
Journalism without a moral position is impossible. Every journalist is a moralist. It’s absolutely unavoidable. A journalist is someone who looks at the world and the way it works, someone who takes a close look at things every day and reports what she sees, someone who represents the world, the event, for others. She cannot do her work without judging what she sees.
Marguerite Duras