Pursuant to intensifying covid-19 oppression the following can be used to respond to attempts to coerce toxic vaccinations.
I write in regard to the matter of possibly receiving a Covid-19 vaccine as indicated in your newly revised conditions of employment requirements. I herein notify my express requirement to be fully informed and comprehensively appraised of ALL facts before accepting any medical intervention. Accordingly, I request that you provide the following information in accordance with statutory legal requirements pertaining to this matter under national and international law.
1. Please advise the approved legal status of the Covid-19 vaccine you deem acceptable and whether or not it is “experimental”.
2. Please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against double-blind-placebo control groups and the subsequent peer-reviewed outcomes of those tests.
3. Please advise the full list of contents of the proposed vaccine and if there are any known, potential or suspected negative impacts or toxic effects to health and well-being.
4. Please provide details of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since its introduction.
5. Please confirm that the medical procedure you are advocating is in fact a legitimate vaccine and NOT ‘experimental mRNA gene altering therapy’.
6. Please confirm that I will not be under any duress to accept this recommended medical procedure from yourselves as my employer in compliance with the international law of the Nuremberg Code.
7. Please advise any potential risk of injury or fatality and should I be unfortunate enough to contract Covid-19 after being vaccinated (as is happening with alarming rapidity) and the likelihood of full and uncompromised recovery.
Upon receipt of the above-requested information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to conditionally accept your offer to receive the recommended medical procedure pursuant to the following non-negotiable conditions:
1. You confirm in written documentation bearing a wet ink signature that I will suffer no harm.
2. Following acceptance the offer must be signed by a fully qualified medical doctor who will accept full and unlimited legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.
3. In the event that any element of unacceptable risk obliges my declining the offer of vaccination on grounds of personal safety, please confirm that my free will medical choice will not compromise my position of employment and that I will not suffer unlawful prejudice or discrimination as a result.
I also state that my inalienable civil and human rights are hereby unconditionally reserved.