Through the toxic fog of COVID-19 disinformation a glimmer of hope emerges via a patriotic Canadian action group launching legal proceedings against its globalist government challenging the calamitously unjustified lockdown and its disastrous consequence of economic terrorism. Another massive lawsuit is also under way confronting the brutal oppression currently imposed by the tyrannical overreach of the fascistic Victorian administration. Any success in these noble endeavors will trigger an unstoppable domino effect throughout a world increasingly aware of the COVID-19 criminal scam. It’s now admitted by the CDC that over 90% of reported Covid-19 deaths are fabricated. Also aware of the disgraceful facts is the loathsome mainstream media but knowing truth and actually reporting it are two separate entities. Lies and fearmongering propaganda are the entrenched foundation for everything they venomously vomit at your screens. These soulless ghouls cheerlead thug police oppression while ignoring known pedophile rings, child sex trafficking and satanic ritual abuse.

The storm is upon us.

Be that as it may their threadbare narrative becomes ever more nonsensical with the nonstop flood of damning evidence and medical professional’s testimony irreversibly debunking the notion of any authentic pandemic. Lockdown terrorism is based upon the most absurd pretext imaginable thereby creating a compelling case to imprison all government participants for high treason. Many should face the death penalty. Whatever this viral infection might be (never isolated or specifically identified) it does not, never has and never could qualify as a medical emergency. No effort to run the essential prerequisite pathogenicity assessing of Koch’s Postulates is undertaken by responsible departments all corruptly performing as puppets of the criminal WHO and CDC. In spite of countless requests for an explanation why these key evaluations were not established before hitting the panic button my inquiries are consistently stonewalled. This marshal law imposes tyrannical control through fear. They’ve been destroying the economy, trampling civil and human rights, imposing mandates and restrictions on everything they can imagine, from wearing harmful masks to closing businesses and schools, social distancing rules, house arrest, prohibiting church service all the while their criminal oppression progressively worsens. As an ever-growing body of condemnatory evidence accumulates the corrupt media shills, most especially the immoral trolls of breakfast TV, bolster their lies and multi-layered deception as sycophantic disciples of pure evil. They even applaud the despicable tactic of surveillance spy drones monitoring healthy populations while encouraging citizen spying and dobbing in neighbors for non-compliance. I can’t watch their deeply offensive propaganda but caught a brief clip of these vile propagandists authoritatively directing audiences to believe only what their corporate junk science technocrats spoon feed them. Sadly, many still foolishly comply in spite of the abundant evidence exposing their unrelenting assault upon universal truth. Be that as it may truth will always restore to its rightful throne as evidenced by the following update from Kevin Annett.

Babbling mainstream media TV shills and ‘so-called’ expert guests absurdly proclaim government is so concerned with your safety and wellbeing that they’re willing to forgo all safety testing in order to rush the satanic luciferin black-magic-sorcery of a neurotoxic MRNA vaccine into production and mandatory deployment. After all, community health and welfare is the humanitarian reason why they ruthlessly trashed the global economy isn’t it? An interesting historical footnote is this exact same statement was given to German Jews as they were loaded into freight trains headed for extermination. They too were assured by heavily armed guards it was for their safety and protection. Many wonder why active resistance was so lamentably absent from these doomed unfortunates when they had the chance to save themselves? Unbelievably this murderous COVID tyranny sees the same defeatism with multitudes meekly submitting to dangerously health-impairing face masks, emotionally damaging social distancing, needless isolating, ludicrous curfews, travel restrictions and unlawful lockdowns. The oppressive weight of fascism in Australia and New Zealand is not just in your face it is jackboot-stomping on your throat. While the larger percentage of the Australian public have degenerated into the most apathetic, dumbed-down nation of unquestioning sheep its criminal politicians have developed a glutinous appetite for mutton.

Those intimidated into wearing harmful face masks should ask why would the same evil forces polluting the skies with chemtrails, poisoning your water with neurotoxic fluoride and ecocidal fracking, poisoning your food with GMO’s, microwaving your nervous system with 5G and trying to force toxic vaccines suddenly promote something to protect your health? Really? Again all this cowed subservience to nonsensical dictates with no authentic basis in law nor a shred of scientific justification is dismally bereft of spirited resistance. Most especially since no authentic medical emergency exists. Surgical mask wearing is measurably detrimental to health. Widening understanding of this criminal ploy progressively undermines the platform of the virus hoax. Compliance with this satanic blood cult humiliation ritual presents great physical and spiritual peril.

Welcome to the time when covidocy took over the world.

I never watch lurid horror productions but am reminded of the walking dead when reviewing this appalling lack of common sense and suicidal abandonment of personal responsibility. Avoiding the fate of gas chamber, concentration camp and killing fields victims requires personal responsibility and a willingness to defy institutionalized corruption before it’s too late. In other words don’t allow the mass murdering satanic criminals masquerading as government to terrorize you into being an obedient zombie. Take a resolute stand against this blatantly obvious genocide while you still can citing the glut of Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin wannabes. This megalomaniac trait is personified by despised Victorian premier Daniel Andrews dictating manifestly harmful edicts of totalitarian overreach which again have no foundation in law and no basis in reality. This fascistic medical oppression has no justification in law or science whereby most observers see Victoria as a failed state overtaken by ruthless tyranny. It’s both illegal and unconscionable to enforce healthy people showing no sign of illness to isolate at home, to prohibit travel and wear stupid masks! A clear and present health risk must be determined on an individual basis for every person in the group. The 3000 people locked up in Melbourne were not assessed individually, did not receive individual orders or documents and were never given the right of reply subsequently triggering a mass lawsuit against the government for unlawful imprisonment. The current tyranny demolishing the Victorian economy with another criminal lockdown clearly demonstrates the alarming extent of government treason. Forced isolation is designed as an emotionally depressing mechanism with the aim of causing distress while lowering personal vibration.

The following video from Judy Wilyman PhD exposes the total absence of medical science behind the Covid-19 criminal scam.

The out-of-control testing is designed to fabricate ever more ‘CASES’ while harvesting DNA for nefarious purpose and coercing spyware track-and-trace phone apps. This malevolent criminal hoax has nothing to do with protecting health but is targeted at genocidal population control. This is further evidenced by the rushed banning of a proven medication HCQ that negates the need for toxic MRNA vaccines. Social engineering takes a step further via a program launched in late 2018 which sees a digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI – Mastercard ‘Wellness Pass’ a digital vaccination record ID2020 linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system powered by AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard, in addition to boasting its commitment to promoting a ‘centralized vaccination record’ aggressively pushes for a ‘World Beyond Cash’. It’s partnership with GAVI heralds the globalist tyranny of coercing an unsought and unwanted bio-metric digital ID2020 passport with vaccine records linked to a payment structure of an inescapable control system. This invasive spyware will track, scrutinize, record and surveil everything you do wherein the slightest indication of dissent will shut down your ability to function at a mouse click from an anonymous hand. Melbourne police have commenced flying spy drones over communities monitoring their criminal lockdown compliance.

The calculated dystopia of ruthless oppression, dependency, debilitation and death is funded by arch-criminals Bill and Melinda Gates whose insidious influence now manifests in Western Australia. Fascist police thugs are unlawfully launching armed raids upon innocent people for declining DNA harvesting testing procedures. There can never be a legitimate requirement to medically test healthy populations, least of all from rogue mercenary police attack dogs acting on behalf of a criminal corporatocracy. Bullying Australian police have degenerated into violently oppressive thugs rivaling the sadistic excesses of Nazi Germany and worse. These predatory parasites should realize their unconscionably criminal activity is being closely monitored for future prosecutions and their satanic paymasters will not be around to protect them from vengeful public justice. Some have woken up to what’s behind this unlawful oppression while learning their police pension funds are being stolen in countries around the world as just happened in Spain. Their future security is being covertly pilfered by the same hidden puppet masters putting them squarely in the cross hairs of criminal prosecutions. They are being deliberately setup in order to further disrupt and divide society. No police action targeting contraventions of illegal and futile Covid-19 restrictions has any foundation in law. All police harassment and unlawful prosecutions in this area renders the officers responsible to full and unlimited liability. Attempts at forced vaccination will see offenders spend the rest of their blighted lives behind bars. All police, government and medical agency activities are closely monitored, meticulously recorded, forensically documented, and professionally prepared as incontestable evidence to be used in criminal prosecutions in an authentic court of law. Future courts will be beyond the control and insidious influence of satanic overlords so continuance of criminal oppression will ensure punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

Google and YouTube in cahoots with all Big Tech plan to wipe out all social media channels discussing vaccine safety. Colluding in this fascist censorship are Facebook and Twitter in an all-out assault to demolish freedom of speech and make informed discussion illegal. The escalating spiritual war on humanity rages on countless fronts wherein the most important consideration is how you respond to it emotionally. It’s designed to continually provoke endless cycles of fear, anger, anxiety, division, and helplessness. This is a trap we must be aware of and careful to avoid. Understand and be aware of the issues but do not allow them to negatively impact your emotional state while mindfully maintaining a neutral response.

That may sound overly simplistic, but it comes down to embracing the infallible method of shifting focus from what’s happening to how you react to it. You can’t control the former, but you always have control of the latter, and in this you win each and every time. Just try it!

Increasing resistance from all professions including airline pilots, police, firefighters, nurses, healthcare professionals in tandem with countless others from all walks of life are now taking a determined stand against medical tyranny while refusing the experimental toxic jabs misleadingly and unlawfully marketed as vaccines. This global uprising marks a pivotal tipping point with the overwhelming majority demarking a line-in-the-sand of unified non-compliance. The realization of the deadly perils inherent in this criminal vaccine oppression has finally dawned upon millions belatedly understanding that compliance with the increasingly insane coercion of bio weaponized vaccines causes inescapable suffering and death. It’s impossible for humanity to “comply” its way free from satanic socio-psychopathic megalomaniacs. Everywhere throughout the world concerned citizens are rising up with walkouts and jab refusal occurring as never before.

Deeply disturbing research exposes vaccine spike proteins enter cell nuclei to destroy the cells’ DNA repair mechanism subsequently suppressing DNA repair by 90 percent. mRNA vaccinated victims experience severely repressed or totally incapacitated DNA repair, and this is irreversible. In addition, people exposed to 5G radiation, mammograms, food chemicals, and carcinogens in personal care products all precluding repairs to DNA damage caused by those exposures. Even small exposures will mutate and develop life threatening cancers throughout the body after taking the jab. This is the historical crossroads where humanity must reclaim inalienable core freedoms or see them extinguished forever. Needless to say, the criminal globalists pushing this Agenda 2030 green tyranny couldn’t care less that humanity at large is vehemently opposed to their fascist machinations as demonstrated at their recent meeting of COP26. COP26 was the 26th United Nations climate change conference (formally known as ‘Conference of the Parties’). It’s evil plan was hatched in Glasgow under the guise of the green wash Glasgow Climate Summit. More than 190 sycophantic club-of-Rome deep-state-sock-puppets masquerading as world leaders attended this summit. COPs usually occur annually (excluding 2020’s event postponed due to the fictitious threat of COVID). Occasionally a COP meeting is considered more important than others as with the 2015 COP in Paris wherein the green wash fascism of the Paris Climate Agreement was spawned of falsified climate data. The Paris Accord became legally binding despite being an entirely groundless treaty aiming to limit non-existent global warming to 1.5°C or, at most, 2°C, by the end of this century. 

It makes no difference that all authentic climate science disproves the panic mongering green fascism whose fabricated science entirely depends upon the consensus of contrived belief and not empirical research founded upon meteorological evidence. Remember how they hurriedly required changing their marketing strategy from global warming to the more ambiguous ‘climate change’ brand once it became laughably obvious the world was inconveniently cooling rather than supporting frenzied claims to the contrary. In the same manner as the fraudulent covid scam narrative has been utterly demolished by irrefutable fact the ludicrous prognostications of carbon fearmongers are proven epically incorrect to the point of ridicule. These preposterous climate doomsday predictions are routinely the butt of taunting jokes, but embarrassing fact doesn’t avert the COP26 greenwashed devotees from their agenda 2030 fascism.

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

Martin Luther king

More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote the following:

” In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.

To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.

With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will.

All cabal-controlled governments now goosestep towards Medical Martial Law with genocidal vaccine mandates bearing lethal fangs at every given opportunity. Certain countries are further advanced towards medical tyranny than others but without exception all Big Pharma controlled health agencies relentlessly forge towards this all-encompassing evil without pause and at ever-quickening pace. This phenomena unfurls worldwide using the exact same methodology, strategy, and design. Australia’s legalese-manipulated ‘rotten-to-the-core’ judicial system is structured to prohibit meaningful justice so when confronting medical oppression strict avoidance of the establishments unconditionally compromised courts is an absolute must.

Never engage with their rigged system because it’s expertly contrived to confuse, deceive, and ensnare any and all ill-advisedly tricked into entering their satanic realm of racketeering, extortion, and unconstrained usury. Remember a summons to court is literally an invitation that’s easily deflected the moment you free yourself from their corrupt jurisdiction and its devious machinations. Breaking free from their criminal control is accomplished via the proven method provided by the 1215 Magna Carta’s – Article 61. In my last report I detailed the heroic incident of Dr William Bay exposing the hypocritical cowardice of a large gathering of medical doctors at an AMA convention through a courageous act of stating undeniable truth. Dr Bay has since been notified by AHPRA who, like soulless vultures ominously circle overhead preparing to rain down retribution for having the temerity to speak truth to their egregiously misplaced authority. As Dr Bay cannily foresaw their panicked response proves his point in spades because AHPRA’s arrogantly autocratic control cannot withstand objective scrutiny let alone forensic investigation. The overwhelming majority of Australians strenuously oppose medical tyranny being entirely averse to appointed government agencies supplanting the traditional role of medical doctors overseeing and administering personal healthcare.

Captured government seeks to usurp the historic practice of doctors personally curating patient wellbeing to be replaced with their weasel-worded ‘Public Health Messaging’ epitomizing the Orwellian dystopia of the so-called great reset. AHPRA and the AMA’s hateful medical fascism is grotesquely repugnant to most Australians and I’m hopeful sufficient numbers are forewarned enough to circumvent this vile tyranny before its toxic tentacles envelop and terminally infect the entire community. People often ask how they can resist as individuals and this medical oppression presents an ideal opportunity to reprimand these dishonorable pharma shills with forceful objections declaring resolute non-compliance with medical dictatorship. Better yet give assurance that an outraged public are rapidly joining together, gathering unified force to ensure AHPRA and the AMA’s genocidal crimes against humanity will be addressed and that no offender will escape meaningful justice. In the fullness of time the judicial system will be wrested from demonic control and fully restored to its rightful purpose whereafter the worlds medial mafia will have nowhere to hide. When formulating complaints and objections be sure to remind these godless ghouls that capital punishment is the routine outcome for genocide and crimes against humanity. Citing AHPRA & AMA’s vehement endorsement of mass-murdering vaccines compounded by all harmful covid mandates they are undeniably guilty on all counts. The more hard-copy letters and email messages they receive the sooner we see them handcuffed in the dock where they belong. They know this day is coming to be frantically ducking and weaving in futile attempts to stave off the inevitable.

I recommend non-abusive but compelling language that won’t be dispatched to the shredder at first glance. Always present questions requiring answers and you don’t need me to tell you what to ask with a veritable smorgasbord of grievances to level against them. The idea is not only to apprise growing community outrage at their betrayal of medical ethics but also to alert forthcoming retribution that for many will undoubtedly incur the death penalty. They cannot misconstrue precisely written, well intentioned alerts as any form of threat when they are carefully word-crafted in the appropriate manner. Such communications accurately and lawfully advise the standard penalty accorded to crimes against humanity, most especially common to military tribunals which may very well be where this is headed. The CEO’s and directors of these treasonous organizations should be worried, so please make an effort and let them know that we the people will not tolerate their toxic skullduggery and that meaningful justice awaits them in the very near future. The more outrage foisted upon these anti-human fiends the better so make a point of joining the pushback. The moment we deploy our insurmountable numbers advantage in the form of right action, and countless volumes of powerful protest letters play a pivotal role, we hasten a swift and glorious end to the tyrannical oppression of medical martial law.

Well, it isn’t law but more accurately subjugation by the armed force of mercenary police, but they too have pressing cause to fear what authentic justice has in store for their criminal wrongdoing.