Nothing but the TRUTH.

We live in a time of transition and biblically prophesized change. These changes were accurately foretold in the ancient wisdom of the distant past, but seemingly, or so we are misled from birth to believe, down through time, this priceless knowledge became lost. In truth, it wasn’t lost but meticulously hidden for purposes of clandestine control by a privileged, elite few. This raises gravely disturbing questions; these same concealed power groups, ably assisted by an omnipotent, criminal cabal of a global corporate media cartel, are at great pains to keep unanswered. Measures employed to maintain this oppressive secrecy include public ridicule, discrimination, persecution, ostracism, harassment, intimidation, and recently, more often, murder. This continues unabated thanks to the journalistic heresy of mainstream media compliance: submissively reporting manufactured news at the behest of satanic child molesting paedophiles. Few now believe humanity is the only sentient life force throughout the universe. Those clinging to this untenable nonsense simply refuse to objectively examine the many decades of repeatedly corroborated evidence and witness testimony. Those unencumbered by prejudicial dogma are fully aware that this debate is over. The next step, however, raises the even larger question of why the falsehood of humankind being alone in the universe has been so forcefully maintained and upheld throughout history. Because it has not been mistaken belief or a simple misunderstanding of our origins that has led to this blinkered acceptance, it is the direct result of a carefully orchestrated manipulation and falsification of information designed to limit and control global consciousness! It is the biggest lie throughout all recorded history. And it continues, continually reinforced through unquestioning media acquiescence. Not one single political party spokesperson, TV/radio program producer/ presenter, or print journalist will truthfully report this massive body of evidence in disregard of the overwhelmingly abundant proof and expert witness testimony. Under Australian and international legal systems, it requires the sworn testimony of just three credible witnesses to convict an individual of murder. The DISCLOSURE PROJECT has more than 500 of the most reliable and trustworthy witnesses, with increasingly ever more coming forward. The case confirming the existence of UFOs is proven beyond all measure of reasonable doubt, with ‘The Burden of Proof’ falling squarely upon those who refute this corroborated evidence to demonstrate it false publicly. The simple fact is they cannot. It is not unreasonable to expect this weighty excess of hard evidence borne out by unquestionable witness testimony might see some measure of objective examination and investigation by the Australian media. Sadly, this is not the case. All aspects of the media ignore, stonewall, or ridicule the issue. This constitutes yet another betrayal of every fundamental principle of journalistic inquiry, and this report seeks to examine the reasons why not one responsible journalist or TV producer/presenter has the intellectual courage or journalistic integrity to investigate the known and established facts or, at the very least publicly challenge the overabundance of witness testimony? We supposedly enjoy a liberated, open society with a free press, but again, this is another massive lie foisted upon a gullible public. Cloaking, distorting, and smothering the established facts of the UFO phenomena enables illegal secret projects to get away with murder. All media subject matter is constrained to being either inconsequential or propagandized, and its reporters and self-preserving program anchors maintain the status quo of upholding the lie while feeding the bloated coffers of their paymasters. Attempts at forcing articles into press or TV presentations see journalistic careers terminated. Accordingly, none of these ‘courageous seekers of truth’ are prepared for such career-terminating sacrifice. This makes the notion of a genuine fourth estate capable of keeping essential checks and balances on senior government an absolute falsehood. Mainstream corporate media is utterly and irredeemably corrupt. It is probably the most corrupt institution in the Western world. The only publications encouraged to run UFO or crop circle stories are low-end tabloids to maintain the policy of degrading factual information. The distortive method is to repeatedly question evidence by presenting an ever-widening range of alternatives, no matter how improbable and untruthful. These latter diversions successfully cloud the issue to the point of obscurity, no matter how idiotic and patently false the alternatives might be. Mainstream media articles unfailingly conclude by presenting a skeptical or negative viewpoint. Turning a blind eye to all this, the Australian National Press Club has forever enshrined itself in hypocrisy, living testimony to duplicity, double standards, and postulating pretense. Skulking in this ignoble shadow are the many current affairs and news programs, all cravenly hiding behind a threadbare policy of denial.

This is a NotebookLM podcast of the above article.

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