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  1. I wonder how many of these similarly suited galahs (sorry to the bird variety) have ever done one day’s production in the real world? That is in the in the agriculture, mining, the real service, health or building industries. I imagine most came from education, banking, finance, stock-broking and real estate enterprises.

    All they know is how to place words together to fool a lot of the world’s population, while making a lot of money out of their tricky verbal crap.

    A far as environmental guardianship, I have a question. With all the solar panel grids taking over food producing ground there are areas close to and under these solar panels that cannot be mown but vegetation (grass and shrubs) will grow under and between, how will this fire hazard be dealt with? Silly me, of course herbicides will be sprayed, which seep into the water table. Will not cleaning agents be used to keep the panels as clear as possible? More chemicals for the ground to absorb. Isn’t this vandalism to the environment?

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