Nothing but the TRUTH.
The practice of ‘impressment’ is alive and well in Ukraine and supported by Australian public money.

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One Comment

  1. Great stuff Tony.
    As soon as I saw your title, the updated New Zealand “pandemic” legislation came to mind. The power given to police and other officers to apprehend and vaccinate non-vaccinated persons, must surely be as reprehensible as the press gangs of old. It is not unlikely that Australia’s criminal parliament will follow this Globalist agenda.
    What I can’t understand is that the public are not inquiring into the need for any legislation in regard pandemics. I cannot remember in my lifetime of 79 years where there has been a so-called pandemic, yet all of a sudden there is a rush by politicians to become active in this field. Just another area to intrude in our daily lives and make out that they have power over us?

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