They wage war by means of deception.

Before leaving Cervantes in December 2016, I formally protested ABC regional radios misleading interpretation of my pre-recorded interview pertaining to mid-west community opposition to fracking. Their selectively edited, cherry-picked, version of the interview gave the unforgivably false impression that the anti-fracking Cervantes & Jurien Bay communities conducted deficient township surveys. This was totally false along with the calculated deception that these communities accepted the eco terrorism, the chemical warfare, of ecocidal fracking. We did not accept this toxic environmental rape and never will.

This distorted version of the interview was entirely false and misleading because I’d clearly articulated that unfailingly ruinous fracking is emphatically rejected and refused social license by an overwhelming community majority. Such biased reporting typifies mainstream media. It’s become the cornerstone method of their institutionalized technique of perception management. They subsequently wouldn’t answer numerous emails, respond to written letters or return phone calls. The iron curtain of mainstream medias censorship-by-omission descended with absolute finality. Listeners were entirely misled. This systemic deception continues unabated and I despise the ABC for their unforgivable betrayal of authentic journalism. Just like their pedophile politician paymasters they are contracted liars of the deep state.

Non-conforming viewpoints, environmental concerns and anti-fracking opinions are blocked by information gatekeepers in disregard of supportive evidence and corroborated witness testimony. Calculated censorship while promulgating corporate scripted falsehood reshapes and essentially fabricates all media content. Perception management manipulates, commandeers and usurps every aspect of truthful news and current affairs reporting whereby information control has been the accepted norm for many decades. If the same degree of media attention was focused upon missing children, institutionalized pedophilia, child sex trafficking and satanic ritual abuse as is hysterically lavished 24/7 upon upon the fake coronavirus scam we’d be living in a different world.

I’ve previously reported the US Smithsonian Institute micromanaging 150 years of important discoveries citing countless findings of giant’s fully intact skeletons, perfectly preserved giant skulls, and giant’s bone collections all regrettably entrusted to this duplicitous institution. All bones and evidential materials are covertly secreted away and thereafter denied all knowledge of. Giants remains have been uncovered throughout the world but are forever clandestinely appropriated by unidentified covert operatives and quickly deleted from the historical record. Innumerable books and documentaries testify to this evidence suppression exposing a sinister, far-reaching and deeply disturbing falsification of human history. Universities, schools, and unconscionably corrupt media portray the Egyptian pyramids being impossibly built by stone-dragging slave labor to function as tombs for Pharaohs.

This demonstrable nonsense is taught even though no evidence exists to verify such a ridiculous assumption. No mummy has ever been found inside a pyramid, yet the patently absurd fiction of pyramid tombs is taught in all schools as historic fact. This indefensible lie underscores and exemplifies a purposefully manufactured version of human history! To understand how and possibly why this massive deception has been accomplished I recommend Graham Hancock’s excellent Netflix series ‘Ancient Apocalypse’ that exposes the falsity of the establishments grossly distorted narrative.

Most especially the massive lie of recorded human history. The systemic fraud of mainstream science sees all scientific disciplines reduced to dogmatic bias whereby any critically thinking independent researcher challenging the establishment narrative gets immediately ostracized into career oblivion. Evidence of one or more pre-historic highly-advanced lost civilizations exists in an abundance of similarly styled megalithic structures and out-of-place-artifacts discovered on every continent. Here again mainstream archaeology is constrained by a rigid censorship regime that demands ignoring proof, misrepresenting fact and obediently colluding with establishment deception. What we are witnessing is the calculated distortion, falsification and in many cases the complete erasure of human history.

This control especially applies to curative medicine wherein the most perilous endeavor is to discover or invent a natural cancer cure posing a threat to pharmaceutical drug revenues. Incalculable wealth is generated by deliberately not curing but instead carefully maintaining sickness and disease with the use of toxic pharmaceuticals. The malevolently monstrous cancer industry generates billions of dollars and won’t tolerate cheap and effective natural cures derailing their lucrative gravy train. Naturopathic and holistic doctors are being systematically murdered to maintain the wholesale mass-slaughter of prescription drugs and tortuously ineffective cancer treatments. Deep state media controllers provide daily talking points to their media assets. These criminal talking heads, egotistically basking in celebrity anchor positions, will never report factual truth. Those who aren’t yet outraged should look within and do some serious soul-searching. These modern day Lord Haw Haw’s will receive the same rough justice as their treasonous namesake at the 1947 Nuremberg trials.

This systemic evil can only be upheld by a criminally complicit media continually regurgitating threadbare lies and propaganda. Mainstream media is not only the enemy of truth but a mortal foe of nature, humanity, of human consciousness, spiritual awareness and of the planet itself. Those among us who seek to uncover the hidden truth of history are all about establishing a loving and caring connection to one another as the family of humankind while embracing a deeper and more meaningful connection to nature and to the planet.

Conversely mainstream media is all about spreading fear, separation, promoting endless war, hate, suffering and death. In treasonous abuse of authority more than 5200 inventions, many freely providing clean ‘zero-point’ limitless energy, are abruptly stonewalled and terminated at the patenting stage under the false pretense of national security. This abundance of universally beneficial inventions undoubtedly exist but are criminally denied to society in order to perpetuate the socially constricting fraud of debt slavery while needlessly trashing the environment. Growing awareness of this betrayal portends the total collapse of trust in mainstream media and social media platforms. That’s because they’re deeply entrenched in systemic, widespread and longstanding organized crime—endemic to our judicial, political and financial systems. The public must unite in outraged disgust at media’s treacherous betrayal of reporting ethics and journalistic mandates. If no such awakening materialists then the manipulative power of media to provoke runaway social division will exceed anything we can imagine. The information age will leave a dark stain on history through having sabotaged society.

The reason for this Luciferin abuse of power while distorting, concealing, and fabricating human history is to wield totalitarian control over everyone this pivotal information is hidden from. This is globalism! Its malicious machinations extends to a genocidal depopulation program ramping up in every continent around the globe. Globalism’s hateful depopulation is fully operational to be exponentially assaulting us on all fronts. It gained further advantage under the cover of the Covid-19 scam brutally coercing Australia and New Zealand into police states under Marshall law with Victorian police pepper spraying teenage girls and shooting at curfew violators while in Canberra they deployed energy weapons against peaceful demonstrators of all ages. None of which was reported in legacy media.

In an age dominated by the rapid dissemination of information through the internet and social media, the damaging consequences of mainstream media’s fake news founded in globalist propaganda presents a clear and present danger. The unchecked spread of disinformation, intentionally false content and distorted facts poses a significant threat to society, affecting individuals, communities, and the global community at large. The consequences of institutionalized fake news is far-reaching and profound having the effect of undermining trust, sowing discord, and jeopardizing the very foundations of civilized society. This is its targeted objective. Fake news has become an epidemic in the digital era. Its ease of creation, swift distribution, and the anonymity offered by covert government-sponsored platforms have made it a formidable adversary of all humankind. Fabricated accounts about the safety and efficiency of experimental MRNA jabs while hiding ever-amassing reports of vaccine-inflicted injury and death is unconscionable and unforgiveable. Worse yet is those attempting to expose the truth of calculated vaccine genocide are denounced as conspiracy theorists and malicious hoaxers.

Truth telling is immediately targeted by ‘fact-checkers’ armed with newly minted legislation drafted to enforce suppression of identified and incontestable facts. This latest form of censorship provides paedophiles open slather to offend at will. Concerns are repeatedly raised regarding the protection of children wherein the system of child protection, its legal framework and role of safeguarding is unfit for purpose. Meaningful child protection must be a paramount concern in any society. Ensuring the safety and well-being of children is not only a moral obligation but also a legal imperative. Tragically the ineffectiveness of legal systems in addressing the abuse of minors has become a national and international disgrace. In Western Australia child protection laws exist to safeguard children from sexual predation, neglect, and exploitation. While these laws are touted to provide a robust legal framework for handling cases of child abuse they repeatedly fail for lack of genuine case investigation and prosecution. Despite the existence of these legal frameworks, they never function optimally through being overseen and controlled by known paedophiles. Most cases involving the abuse of minors are denied adequate attention thereby highlighting the system’s entirely unacceptable ineffectiveness. Independent news platforms like Secret Harbour Sessions continually strives to raise awareness about child protection issues.

This channel along with many others repeatedly cover these upsetting matters yet cannot generate the necessary impetus to compel desperately needed improvements to this sabotaged legal system. Meaningful child protection is an issue that demands our full attention and commitment as a society. Eternal vigilance, informed reporting, and cooperation between independent alternate news platforms is key to bringing about essential improvements. Fake and misleading mainstream media propaganda prohibits this from happening. One of the most alarming consequences of globalism’s fake news is its role in fomenting and exacerbating social and political divisions. False narratives amplify pre-existing biases and polarize communities, pushing people further apart rather than bringing them together. This polarization causes social unrest and hinders constructive dialogue, ultimately achieving its goal of undermining unity. It’s a classic example of ‘divide and rule’ and is continually deployed against us everywhere. The relentless dissemination of mainstream media fake news has irrecoverably obliterated trust in all legacy media outlets, agencies, and institutions. When people can no longer discern between credible sources and fake news, it becomes increasingly challenging to make informed decisions. This erosion of trust is problematic to the functioning of daily life, as everyone relies on accurate information to make dependable choices in everything we do.

Fake news is not just a theoretical concern; it has tangible and devastating effects on individuals and communities. False information causes real and lasting harm as painfully demonstrated by innocent individuals being punished for defying unlawful medical fascism. Countless businesses suffered irrecoverable financial losses as a direct result of the covid lies while mandated containment measures (from a non-existent threat) damaged public health owing to deliberately promulgated disinformation. The real threat to public health intensifies with the proliferation of Frankenfoods and grotesque edible items made from insects that cannot be described as food. Social media platforms play an increasingly pivotal role in countering the proliferation of legacy media fake news which is now increasingly abandoned and disregarded. Mainstream media’s algorithms prioritize sensational content and click-bait engagement, making it easier for fake news to spread rapidly. While trustworthy social media alternate news platforms endeavor to combat misinformation, they continue to grapple with the challenge of balancing both sides of an argument against the responsibility to provide truthful and accurate content without having their platforms taken down. Each passing day sees relentless assaults from tyrannical governments and their criminally corrupt regulatory agencies.

The intensifying battle against fake news requires a collective effort from truth-seeking individuals and independent social media freedom advocates. Informing audiences about the importance of critical thinking and independent media literacy is crucial. Evaluating sources, verifying information, and discerning credible news from fake news is essential in today’s information-saturated environment. If you want to know what not to believe you know where to look – all supposing you have the stomach for it. Remember such things as fact-checkers never existed before the covid era. All fields of reporting should invest in ethical news-gathering procedures to ensure the accuracy and relevance of their content. Recognizing truth is easy – reporting it is risky. Generally speaking everyone I know in alternate media endeavors to maintain reputable standards for online reporting. The reason we tackle this task is born from an insuppressible passion for truth that can never be diminished. We all agree there should be appropriately severe consequences for mainstream media knowingly and consistently spreading fake news, and it’s widely anticipated a time of reckoning will soon be upon us. Remember treason and crimes against humanity rank high among their countless transgressions.

Social media platforms can gainfully share and amplify certain content as and when circumstances require, but we’re in constant battle with satanic forces seeking to censor and obfuscate anything that may risk exposing their criminal misuse of legacy media. Building resilient groups and communities that value open dialogue and constructive debate can help counter the polarizing effects of mainstream media fake news. The burgeoning chapters of ‘My Place’ groups testify to this. Encouraging investigative discourse among content creators can nullify division created by institutionalized disinformation. Most of us already know and understand the slippery machinations of cabal contrived division and ignore it with the contempt is deserves. The clear and present danger of mainstream media’s ongoing fake news is not limited to a particular region or demographic; it threatens the very fabric of modern society. It’s incumbent upon all of us to remain vigilant and proactive in our efforts to combat government and medical mafia disinformation. We must safeguard the objective reporting of truth however best we can. In a world awash with information, the responsibility to ensure its accuracy and authenticity rests not only with independent correspondents but moreover with each and every one of us.

I herein remind all mainstream media offenders of the literal meanings of the following: Lies: Providing false information or statements that are not in accordance with the truth. Misdirection: Steering someone’s attention or focus away from the actual situation or truth. Concealment: Keeping information hidden or secret to prevent others from discovering the truth. Fraud: Engaging in dishonest practices to gain something of value, often involving financial or personal gain. Camouflage: Attempting to blend in or appear as something different from one’s true nature or intentions. Manipulation: Using psychological tactics to influence someone’s beliefs, emotions, or actions in a way that benefits the deceiver. You have been warned.

“The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”

Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas